- Monthly newsletter to increase communication among motorcyclists.
- Membership card and patch.
- Accidental death life insurance policy.
- An Insurance Program with preferred service for ABATE members.
- Use of the ABATE legal program with free consultation on all legal matters.
- Participation in monthly meetings.
What is ABATE?
ABATE of Kansas, Inc. is is a 501c3 509a2 charitable gaming nonprofit, and the nature of its business or purposes to be conducted or promoted is charitable and educational: To foster, promote and encourage safe motorcycling in the State of Kansas and elsewhere. To engage in educational programs and other promotional activities in order to educate the public as to motorcycle safety and motorcycling in general. To encourage and stimulate public interest in motorcycling and to be an advocate for the interests of motorcyclists and motorcycling.
What are some of the benefits ABATE of Kansas offers?
Can I wear a helmet and be a member?
Yes, ABATE strives to ensure all motorcyclists reserve the right to choose to wear a helmet or not. ABATE's stance is not Anti-Helmet, but rather Anti-Helmet Law. The factors of helmet use are too complex for a simple statistic, so ABATE believes, before government needlessly endanger lives, that such a decision should be left to the rider, and persue other venues of motorcycle safety - primarily education and awareness.
Do I need to be a Harley owner to be a member?
No, ABATE is an advocate for the rights of all motorcyclists, regardless of what or where they ride.
Do I need to own a motorcycle to be a member?
No, ABATE consists of all advocates of motorcyclists and motorcycling. The rights of which may be supported by anyone who cares and are welcome to do so.
Do I have to live in Kansas to be a member?
No, ABATE of Kansas has many non-Kansas-resident members who still ride in Kansas. ABATE of Kansas does not believe the rights of motorcyclists stop at the state borderline. ABATE of Kansas works with other state and national MROs to preserve rights wherever the road leads.
Where will I need my membership card?
Keep your membership card with you when you can. At events, it's faster and more reliable than roster checking. Also, many of your stops may give discounts for ABATE members, so be sure to ask.
Do I need a permit to camp up at Paradise Point?
Yes, except during the Labor Day Rally event, permits are required by the Corp of Engineers which are requested and obtained from the ABATE of Kansas State Office in Perry.
Which District can I belong to?
You can belong to any district you prefer. Districts are divided by county groups, except District 20 which is mostly out-of-state members, though out-of-state members may also choose districts adjacent to their state, if preferred. The only restriction is that you can only belong to one district at a time.
Why did I stop getting a newsletter?
If you stopped receiving a newsletter and you feel you are still entitled to a newsletter, often members have moved or their membership has expired. Please check with your district or the ABATE of Kansas State Office. It may also be you are not listed with your local post office. Please check with them to make sure you are listed at that address.
Is ABATE a Motorcycle Club?
No, ABATE of Kansas is classified as a lobbying organization.
Is ABATE just about helmets?
No, ABATE monitors all bills, laws, and regulations that impact motorcycling, including manufacturing, operation, environment, and education.
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