Lawyer Referrals
At the State BOD meeting on February 13, 2021, the board voted unanimously to start a Lawyer Referral Service. Lawyers participating in the A.B.A.T.E. of Kansas Lawyer Referral Service will pay 10% of their fees from any injury claim to A.B.A.T.E. of Kansas in turn, referral fees received by the A.B.A.T.E. of Kansas Lawyer Referral Service will be used to fund the Mission of the organization. While the goal is to always keep two wheels down, we all have experienced other motorists not keeping a lookout for motorcycles, turning in front of us, or driving while distracted. The Referral Service will ensure that attorneys participating in the program support the Mission of A.B.A.T.E. of Kansas, are motorcycle riders who are highly experienced in representing motorcyclists in Kansas, and understand the unique legal and insurance issues surrounding motorcyclists.
All injury claims - motorcycle, car, truck, semi, dangerous product, dangerous premises, etc. - qualify for the service. Additionally, in an effort to make sure that members have adequate insurance, lawyers participating in the referral service will be available to review insurance policies and coverages on members’ policies at no cost.
To refer an injury claim, please contact Lori Harden or Tammy Ward-Railsback.
A.B.A.T.E. of Kansas, Inc., is a Kansas not-for-profit corporation.
Lori Harden
ABATE of Kansas
Office Manager/Treasurer
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